Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction

America is the land of opportunity. The far left has taken over many institutions and they’re now using our own government to destroy our country. Sadly, we no longer have a government small enough to fit within the Constitution, but America is definitely worth saving!

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More freedom.
Less government.

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About the Defend Freedom PAC

The Defend Freedom PAC is focused on inspiring, recruiting, and electing reinforcements that recognize that good governments defend freedom. Once elected, they govern focused on defeating those who want to “fundamentally remake America” with a basic framework that embraces more freedom, less government, and sound money.


2024 Candidates Endorsed

US House of Representatives

Barry Moore (R-AL) won
Pat Harrigan (R-NC) won
Brandon Gill (R-TX) won
Reggie Stoltzfus (R-OH)
Rick Becker (R-ND)

US Senate

Bernie Moreno (R-OH)

Ohio House

Thomas Hall
Johnathan Newman
Michelle Teska

Ohio Senate

George Lang